Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Sister, Friend
Stronger than you’ve ever been
That’s how I want to see you
Staring down adversity like it don’t phase you
Teasing challenge to come and test you
Reminding emotions they don’t control you
And tormenting past failures with evidence of true progress

Stronger than you’ve ever been that’s how I want to see you
Not chasing men who are beneath you
Or letting so called friends demean you
But embracing all the strength that’s within you
And being all the greatness God’s put within you

So what if some people are meant
To be the darker side of the moon
Enabling others to shine
If that’s what you think you have been doing
Now it’s your time
The moon has spun all around its axis
It’s now your time to shine

So today, make no excuses
When you call I will not answer the phone
I will just come to you
But today,
I will not hold your hand
I will not wipe your tears
I will just come
Be there
Stand close enough for you to see me
But still far so you can run on your own steam
I will not be too far
I want to see you come into full beam

I can see it now
You will shout for me
But I will not come closer
Today I will just stand here
I will stand here and shout

Please come out of the shadows
Please be as strong as you are
Please stop letting life be like gallows
Please embrace the beauty that you are

And if all this feels too hard
Pretend until strength becomes you
I will not come closer
But sister I can see you
I will not wipe those tears
But I am right here for you
Waiting patiently for you to shine
Like the son of God within you
I will wait until the self-pity leaves you
I will wait until you are stronger
Stronger than you’ve ever been
Cus that’s how I want to see you